Fort Wellness Counseling

PTSD Counseling in Fort Worth: Proven Coping Strategies

PTSD Counseling Fort Worth, TX

For those who didn’t already know, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder stemming from disturbing or frightening events. Generally, symptoms include experiencing intense, troubling thoughts and feelings long after the traumatic event has passed; and studies show that PTSD affects approximately 3.5% of the U.S. population each year. However, going to PTSD counseling in Fort Worth can help.

Coping Strategies for PTSD

As an experienced PTSD counselor in Fort Worth, our practitioners have helped countless people overcome their battle with PTSD. If you or a loved one is struggling, these PTSD coping strategies can help:


Simply put, mindfulness is the practice of retraining your mind. It helps people focus on the present moment, and it’s been scientifically proven to ease anxiety and depression. Additionally, mindfulness eases PTSD symptoms like avoidance and hyperarousal.

Attending counseling for PTSD can jumpstart your mindfulness journey. However — if you’re struggling — everyday conversation is a great place to start. When talking to someone, practice being fully present. Listen with the intent of truly hearing – instead of merely listening to respond.


Another coping strategy recommended by our Fort Worth PTSD counseling team is journaling. Essentially, journaling is any form of writing, that helps you process your mental health issues, tough emotions, and everyday interactions.

If you’re interested in journaling for mental health, there are plenty of ways to go about it. Personally, we recommend making a gratitude list, “mind dumping,” or using one of these journaling prompts for PTSD:

    • Can you use your experience to help others? If so, how?
    • Describe some of the major stressors in your life. Have these changed since your traumatic experience? If so, how? And can you pinpoint why?
    • How did your experience impact others? This might include people involved during the event, or it might include the important people in your life today.
    • Is there anything you wish you appreciated more before the event? Similarly, is there anything you’d like to have back?
    • Is there anything you wish you could do differently or change? If so, why?
    • Write about your traumatic experience using as much detail as possible. Don’t forget to write about how it made you feel – both physically and emotionally.
    • Write about what you learned from the experience – whether it’s good or bad. Additionally, write about how the experience affects you today.

    Positive Coping Skills

    As humans, we find ways to cope with uncomfortable feelings. But of course, coping can be both positive and negative. While negative coping skills might help at the moment, they often lead to long-term consequences (think: substance abuse, self-harm, smoking cigarettes, risky sex, etc.). On the other hand, positive coping skills enhance your quality of life – with little to no cost.

    During therapy, with clients suffering from PTSD, at Fort Wellness Counseling we help our clients identify positive coping skills that work for them. If you need a bit of inspiration, here are some ideas:

      • Praying
      • Reading
      • Meditating
      • Exercising
      • Doing yoga
      • Listening to music
      • Making gratitude lists
      • Cleaning or organizing
      • Exploring new hobbies
      • Practicing deep breathing
      • Spending time with friends and loved ones  

      Counseling for PTSD, Anxiety and Trauma

      One of the best ways to cope with past trauma is to attend PTSD therapy in Fort Worth, TX. There are many different kinds of therapy that treat PTSD, and — lucky for you — Fort Wellness Counseling has several:

      Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

      CBT is a popular talk therapy technique that teaches people how to recognize — then change — the negative thought patterns causing emotional harm.  

      Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

      EMDR is a widely accepted (and extremely effective) kind of treatment for PTSD counseling. Essentially, EMDR safely exposes you to things associated with your traumatic experience. Then, you’re taught how to navigate and overcome those triggers.

      Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

      DBT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy designed for people who experience emotions very intensely. Dialectical means combining opposite ideas, and DBT focuses on helping people accept the reality of their lives and behaviors. Additionally, it helps people transform their lives by changing unhelpful behaviors.

      PTSD Counseling in Fort Worth, TX

      If you or a loved one is looking for PTSD Counseling in Fort Worth, Fort Wellness Counseling is here for you. Not only do we have ample experience helping people overcome PTSD, but we provide individualized treatment plans that equip you with the skills and strategies to accomplish long-term change.  

      Contact our team to learn more about how we can serve you.

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