Fort Wellness Counseling

Fort Wellness Counseling
in Fort Worth, Texas

With top-rated therapists in Fort Worth, Fort Wellness Counseling was founded to provide patient-centered care, individualized treatment, specialized therapy and coaching services. Our mission is to help you achieve a higher quality of life.

Fort Wellness Counseling
in Fort Worth, Texas

With top-rated therapists in Fort Worth, Fort Wellness Counseling was founded to provide patient-centered care, individualized treatment, specialized therapy and coaching services. Our mission is to help you achieve a higher quality of life.

You deserve to thrive and live your best life. Our treatment team can help you do just that.

Specialized Therapy in Fort Worth, Texas

  • ADHD
  • Addiction
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Brainspotting Therapy
  • Career Counseling
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic Relapse
  • Codependency
  • Coping Skills
  • Couples Counseling
  • Depression
  • Divorce
  • Drug Abuse
  • Dual Diagnosis
  • EMDR Therapy
  • Family Conflict
  • Gambling
  • Grief
  • Infidelity
  • Internet Addiction
  • Intimacy
  • Life Coaching
  • Marital and Premarital
  • Narcissistic Personality
  • Obsessive-Compulsive
  • Peer Relationships
  • Porn Addiction
  • Premarital Counseling
  • Relationship Issues
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Harming
  • Sexual Addiction
  • Sleep or Insomnia
  • Sports Performance
  • Substance Abuse
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Video Game Addiction

At Fort Wellness Counseling in Fort Worth, you will get individualized and patient-centered treatment from our highly trained treatment team.

Why Choose Fort Wellness Counseling?

We understand that choosing a therapist is challenging and that you have many choices when selecting a counselor and therapist.

Committed to Our Clients

At Fort Wellness Counseling, we provide patient-centered care that is individualized and designed specifically for you and your unique needs. Everyone is different, and so is your treatment.

Value Professional Development

Our team is committed to growth and professional development. Our team has extensive experience, and a thirst for knowledge and learning more. We stay on top of current research.

You Deserve a Higher Quality of Life

With some of the top-rated therapist in Fort Worth, the team at Fort Wellness Counseling is committed to helping you achieve a higher quality of life and the results you desire in therapy and coaching.

Quality Over Quantity

At Fort Wellness Counseling, our approach is simple. Quality over quantity. We are a boutique private practice and believe in finding the best clinicians and putting our best foot forward.

Best Therapists in Fort Worth
Best Therapists in Fort Worth
Best Therapists in Fort Worth
Best Therapists in Fort Worth
Best Therapists in Fort Worth

What Our Clients Are Saying:

No matter what your motivations or hesitations, our Fort Worth Therapists are here to help.

Many things get in the way of living your desired life. Some of those include:

  • Past Trauma
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Communication Issues
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Loss
  • Random Concerns
  • Thoughts
  • Frequent Anger Outbursts
  • Struggles with Food and Eating
  • Struggles with Alcohol or
  • Other Substances
  • Work Challenges
  • School Challenges
  • Troubled Childhood
  • Challenging Change in Life
  • Personal Issues
  • Relationship Challenges
  • Life Challenges
  • Life Transitions
  • Family Problems
  • Unexpected Mood Swings
  • Repetitive Undesirable
  • Difficult Experiences
  • Unbearable Troubles
  • Trying Alone Isn’t Working
  • Trouble Managing Emotions
  • +More

Our team is committed to providing you the highest level of care possible.

We are here to support you on your journey to create a meaningful life filled with purpose. We believe in supporting our clients to be the best version of themselves. We provide you with the tools and best care possible during this time of healing, making it to where the change is in your control. 

We’re located within Restore + Revive Wellness Center, which presents a unique and powerful opportunity to proactively prioritize your health journey in Fort Worth, all under one roof. Pulling from a vast knowledge of both conventional and functional medicine, R+R offers a comprehensive approach through a variety of healing modalities and detoxification services.

Directions to Our Office for Counseling in Fort Worth

Trying to find a counselor or therapist near Fort Worth, TX? Fort Wellness Counseling provides in-person counseling services in Fort Worth near you.  We are located inside the brand-new R+R Wellness Center building in Fort Worth. We are located near the bricks on Camp Bowie Blvd.  Our address is 4927 Byers Ave #212, Fort Worth, TX 76107. 

Parking is available to the immediately south of the building in the R+R parking lot. We are by appointment only. Enter through the first floor and let the team know at the front desk that you are there for your appointment with Fort Wellness Counseling. 

The Benefits of Therapy

  • Improved Emotional Well-Being
  • Increased Self-Awareness
  • Increased Sense of Joy and Contentment
  • Improved Coping Skills
  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Improved Self-Esteem
  • Improved Confidence
  • Practical Skills for Changing Self-Defeating Behaviors
  • Relief from Depression and Anxiety
  • Talking to Someone Completely Unbiased and Neutral

We offer a wide range of counseling services that are designed to help you be the best version of yourself and to improve your quality of life. We help you stay in the here and now and focus on today.

At Fort Wellness Counseling in Fort Worth, we provide a wide range of services, which includes:

Individual Therapy Icon

Individual Therapy

There are various reasons why you might enter therapy, and no story is the same. Maybe you’ve heard people talk about counseling, and you’re curious. Maybe you’ve tried therapy before and want to get back into it. No matter how you landed here for counseling in Fort Worth, our team at Fort Wellness Counseling is here to help you.

Family Therapy Icon

Family Therapy

Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy or family therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. The goal of family therapy is to help couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding your relationship or going your separate ways.

Anxiety Therapy Icon

Anxiety Therapy

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety affects 40 million adults annually. Over 60% of people struggling with anxiety disorders don’t receive treatment. At Fort Wellness Counseling in Fort Worth, Texas, we have counselors that specialize in treating anxiety.

Depression Therapy Icon

Depression Therapy

Depression causes persistent sadness and affects day-to-day functioning. Depression affects how you feel, think, and behave. Counseling can be helpful for depression. You can work through depression with our licensed and skilled therapists that specialize in treating depression in Fort Worth.

Trauma Therapy Icon

Trauma Therapy

Therapy is available to help you find healthy coping skills to manage your responses to trauma. At Fort Wellness Counseling, we help treat trauma with EMDR, Brainspotting Therapy and Accelerated Resolution Therapy. Our team has specialized certifications for treating trauma.

Counseling Icon

Addiction Counseling

We have therapists in house that specialize in helping clients struggling with addiction. Whether it be alcohol, prescription pain pills, pornography, cocaine or other substances, we can help you. Whether the one struggling with the addiction, or anybody else that is impacted by it, we can help.

Specialized Therapy icon

Specialized Therapy

Some of the specialized modalities we utilize include EMDR, Brainspotting Therapy, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Somatic Therapy, and so many more. If you’d like to learn more about our specialized therapy services, please contact our team today.

Intentionality Coaching in Fort Worth Icon

Intentionality Coaching

Intentionality coaching is like life coaching but with more of a focus to being intentional. Our Intentionality coach can help you make the important things important, starting with you. Drew can help you put your goals, dreams, and aspirations in the spotlight.

Sports Performance Coaching Icon

Sports Performance Coaching

We work with athletes in developing a mindset that will allow them to be mentally strong. We help develop a neutral mindset that will allow them to not let their mind impact their performance. After all, one of the differences between a good athlete and great one is all about mindset.

Business and Professional Coaching Icon

Business and Professional Coaching

We offer business coaching for executives and business professionals that want to take it to the next level. Whether you are looking for someone to hold you accountable, help you step outside of your comfort zone and stretch your mindset, we can help you improve performance and obtain results.

EMDR Therapy in Fort Worth

EMDR Therapy

EMDR combines exposure therapy with guided eye movements to work through traumatic memories and decrease distress. It focuses on the traumatic memory and changes how it's stored in the brain. At Fort Wellness Counseling, we have counselors that are both trained and certified in EMDR.

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Brainspotting Therapy

Brainspotting is an innovative approach that combines brain and body-based theories. Brainspotting Therapy helps access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain which is the area of the brain responsible for motion, consciousness, emotions, and learning.

Are You Ready to Get The Process Started?

Schedule your initial therapy appointment with Fort Wellness Counseling in Fort Worth, Texas.

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